Scouting is for boys and girls in Kindergarten - 5th grade (5-10 years old)
Have Fun, Make Friends, See New Things.

Cub Scouts have been having the time of their lives making new friends
and learning new things in an environment designed to help them succeed.  

From building his own pinewood derby car to learning how to roast the perfect marshmallow
with his best friends at a family camp-out, your child will LOVE being a Cub Scout.  

PACK - All Dens together make up the Pack.

The DENS are:
BOBCAT - First Rank earned by all Cub Scouts.
LION - Kindergarten or 5 to 6 years old.  
TIGER - First Grade or 7 years old.
WOLF - Second Grade or 8 years old.
BEAR - Third Grade or 9 years old.
WEBELOS I & II - Fourth and Fifth Grade or 10 years old.

Click HERE for YOUTH / ADULT Application Forms:

ADULT LEADERS ARE NEEDED.  Give back to the youth in our community.  
Through adult volunteering with scouting, you will work with youth to build a better future for our country and our community.  Adult volunteers come to scouting from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. People from just about every occupation imaginable are involved in leading youth to become responsible, caring, and competent citizens.

Den Leader
Asst. Den Leader
Parent Helper
Asst. Cubmaster
Committee Chair
Advancement Chair
Secretary / Treasurer
Pack Trainer 

TRAINING - The Boy Scouts of America offers convenient training for everyone - parents, leaders and youth members.  Log onto click the "I am a ... Parent" tab, then "Training," and you will discover all of the courses available.  Create a MyScouting account and get started. 
We encourage all parents to take the BSA's "Youth Protection" training.
Make memories with your son that will last a lifetime.

10 Links to Get You Up to Speed on Cub Scouts 

Taken from the Scouting Magazine article titled, Top 10 links to share with new Cub Scout families to get them up to speed by Bryan Wendell on August 22, 2017 

New Cub Scout families might not know a den leader from a den chief or a Wolf from a Webelos.
And you know what? That’s perfectly fine.

But you can help them get them acquainted with this life-changing program for boys by sending them some or all of the links below.

Post them on your pack’s Facebook page, email them to your pack parents (one a week or all at once), or repost them to your pack website.

The point is this: there are some great resources out there, and seasoned Scouters like you can share the wealth. The links may have you thinking, “I wish I had access to these resources when I was a newbie Cub Scout leader.”

And you know what? That’s perfectly fine, too. Expert Scouters like you can help others learn what you’ve known for years — or, in some cases, decades. Why not share the wealth?

1. What are the basics to know before starting Cub Scouts this fall?
If a new Cub Scout parents reads just one post, make it this one that shares three Cub Scout must-knows.

2. Why do Cub Scouts meet with their packs and dens each week?
This post covers why Cub Scouts have meetings and what they do at them.

3. What is a blue and gold banquet?
At some point this fall, the Cubmaster is going to start talking about the blue and gold banquet. Here’s what that is.

4. Are Cub Scouts part of Boy Scouts?
Yes, Cub Scouts are part of the Boy Scouts of America, but they have their own awesome program. Read more about the difference.

5. What is the order of Cub Scout ranks?
Informed Cub Scout parents will want to know the definitive order of Cub Scout ranks.

6. What is the Arrow of Light?
Short answer: the Arrow of Light is the pinnacle of Cub Scouting. For the longer answer, go here.

7. What is Boys’ Life magazine?
Short answer: If it’s in a boy’s life, it’s in Boys’ Life magazine. Slightly longer answer: Boys’ Life is a monthly magazine for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers. It includes Scouting stories, science facts, fun jokes and games, stories of Scouting heroism, previews of the latest books and movies for guys, and much more. For Scouts, the cost is just $12 a year ($1 an issue). Contact your local council or unit leader for details.

8. What is the Pinewood Derby?
The Pinewood Derby, a racing event using cars Cub Scouts build with their parents or guardians, is a Cub Scouting tradition. Read tips for planning the best Pinewood Derby ever, and tips for helping your Cub Scout build a faster car.

9. How do I help my Cub Scout get ready to camp?
Read these four suggestions for getting your pack’s camping program into high gear.

10. How can I support a Scout with special needs?
There’s room for everyone in a Cub Scout pack or den, especially Cub Scouts with special needs. Here’s how to help them feel welcome.

Don’t forget the hashtag
When sharing one or more of these links via social media, why not use the #ShareScouting hashtag? It’ll help new Scouting families find other content applicable to them.

About Bryan Wendell
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.

Cubmaster History

In appreciation for demonstrating the Scout Oath and Scout Law and for your dedication to the youth of our community.  Cub Scout Pack 362 is grateful for your service as our CUBMASTERS.
Scott Hankley - 2024 - Present
Dacia Rocco - 2021 - 2024
Eric Page - 2019 - 2021
Mark Langston - 2010 - 2019
Andy  Hofman - 2007 - 2009
William Lee Edenburn - 2006
Gregory Scott Lunte - 2003 - 2005
Jeannine M. Lewis - 2000 - 2002
Nancy Collins - 1999
Clarke V. Montford - 1997 - 1998
Nathan E. Schroeder - 1995 - 1996
Phillip Gold - 1992 - 1994
Kenneth R. McConkey - 1991
Marty Corcoran - 1987 - 1990
James Ford - 1986
Thomas K. Georges - 1985
William F Schuermann - 1984
Frederick D. Marquard - 1980 - 1983
Joseph Hentschel - 1978 - 1979
Charles W. Notter - 1977
Henry P. Bruemer - 1976
Richard Reynolds - 1973 - 1975
Don R. Hall - 1970 - 1972
Roy O. Pesek - 1969
William Bryson - 1968
Carl Milburn - 1965 - 1967
William Staughn, Jr. - 1963 - 1964
Walter F. Marquard - 1961 - 1962
Norman Ramsey - 1960
William D. Cook - 1958 - 1959
Mohler R. Robertson - 1954 - 1957
Arthur Froeckman - 1953
Walter F. Marquard - 1953
Herbert L. Kelly, Jr. - 1950 - 1952
J.E. Holmes - 1948 - 1949
---Pack 362---
Donald A. Ritcher - 1939 - 1944
A.J. Hines - 1937 - 1938
Lynn Kennedy - 1936
W.W. Page - 1934 - 1935 
Campbell A. Scott - 1933
​---Pack 13---